Energy transition exhibition in Dublin

Energy Transition Exhibition, © UCD/ German Embassy Dublin
In cooperation with University College Dublin, the Embassy was delighted to show the travelling exhibition organised by the German Federal Foreign Office “Energy in transition – Powering tomorrow”. Have a look at the exhibition and take part in our quiz to win a travel guide.
Travelling Exhibition
In cooperation with University College Dublin, the Embassy was delighted to show the travelling exhibition organised by the German Federal Foreign Office “Energy in transition – Powering tomorrow” at UCD’s O’Brien Science Centre.
The exhibition – five multimedia cubes inviting visitors to actively interact, and learn about the different perspectives of energy transition – was officialy opened on 22 February by UCD Vice President Professor Orla Feely, Ambassador Meier-Klodt and Professor Andrew Keane – the first in person event of both the Embassy and UCD since the onset of the Covid Pandemic!
The exhibition closed on 14 March, and received approximately 1300 visitors. The Embassy is particularly pleased that the exhibition attracted the vivid interest of several classes of both the German and the French Schools in Dublin: St. Kilian’s and Lycée Français International Samuel Beckett. Check out the report of St. Kilian’s students here
If you missed this event, you can still have a look online
Feel free to share the link with others!

Also, you can win one of three Baedeker travel guides “Energy Transition Germany” by sending the correct answer (based on the website) to info(at)dubl.diplo.de , subject: Energiewende
- How can we only achieve the global energy transition?
- In which cities has the exhibition been shown since 2021?
- What are the areas covered by the exhibition?
Additional content
There’s still time to join the 8th Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue, taking place from 29 – 30 March, 2022. Register for the virtual conference!
Since 2015 the conference has become the leading international forum for high-level policymakers, industry, science and civil society.