Prevention of Corruption

Prévention de la corruption, © colourbox
The Guideline from 30 July 2004 (RL) on Preventing Corruption in the Federal Administration ) defines the legal framework for the tasks of preventing corruption at the headquarters of the Federal Foreign Office and at the diplomatic missions abroad. The RL aims to provide understandable and, by means of few rules, a guideline for integrity and fair and transparent administrative action.
Ethical principles and the rejection of corruption should be firmly established within the employees at the headquarters of the Federal Foreign Office and the posted diplomats and local staff at the diplomatic missions.
Important concerns of corruption prevention at the headquarters of the Federal Foreign Office and at the diplomatic missions abroad include sensitizing employees to the issue, protecting against possible corruption risks and maintaining high ethical standards as an integral part of all administrative acts.
Rewards, personal gifts or other benefits
This principle applies: Acceptance is prohibited!
Employees at the Federal Foreign Office headquarters, as well as the posted diplomats and the local staff at the diplomatic missions, may not accept rewards, gifts or other benefits in relation to their post without the consent of the governement agency. All other regulaitons can be found in the circular of the Federal Ministry of the Interior on the prohibition of accepting rewards or gifts in the Federal Administration dated 08.11.2004 and in the relevant circulars in the Foreign Office. Further information and answers to frequently asked questions on the topic of acceptance of rewards, gifts or other benefits (grants), can be found in the questions and answers catalogue prepared by the Federal Ministry of Economics and the Industry under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of the Interior.
Questions and Information on the subject of corruption prevention at the Federal Foreign Office can be addressed to the Representative for Corruption Prevention at the Federal Foreign Office.