
Life Certificate (“Lebensbescheinigung”)

Alte Frau schreibt Ihr Testament.

Erbrecht, © Colourbox

04.06.2024 - Article

Once a year, pensioners receive the form “Lebensbescheinigung” (life certificate) requesting confirmation that they are still alive. If this form is not returned promptly, your pension payments may be discontinued.

You must personally sign this form, have your signature certified by an authorized agency or authority of your country of residence, and return it directly to the Pension Fund Office looking after your file.

On the form you will find information on where the life certificate can be certified, e.g. an Irish Notary Public.

Information on the newly introduced digital procedure can be found here: Lebensbescheinigung (German only) and under www.rentenservice.de/DLN.

Life Certificates for pension purposes can also be certified by the Embassy during office hours. Please ensure to bring the following documents:

  • the life certificate form from the pension fund office
    • Please fill in the form in its entirety, but do not sign it yet.
    • If you are unable to personally sign the life certificate due to illness and/or incapacity, your doctor must issue a medical statement and confirm this on the certificate.
  • your passport/ID card

No fee is charged for certification of life certificates, but you do have to come in person to the Embassy. In order to schedule an appointment kindly send us an e-mail.

For general queries related to German retirement pensions and to claim a pension please contact the relevant German authority directly:

Deutsche Rentenversicherung Nord

Friedrich-Ebert-Damm 245
D-22159 Hamburg

phone: +49 (0)40 53000
email: info@drv-nord.de

Honorary Consul in Galway

In general, it is possible to have life certificates certified by our Honorary Consul in Galway. Please contact him directly for an appointment and to confirm the fees applicable for your case.

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