Getting Married in Ireland or Germany

Wedding ring , computer generated image. 3d render., © colourbox
Marriage in Germany
In Germany marriage may only be contracted before a registrar. A religious ceremony is optional. This instructional pamphlet conveys general information only. Please contact the appropriate registrar's office (“Standesamt”) for detailed information. Applications should be filed with the registrar's office in Germany where either party has their residence. If neither party has a residence in the Federal Republic of Germany, the registrar's office has to be contacted, where the marriage should take place.
Documents to submit:
The appropriate civil registrar’s office in Germany provides information on the required documents. It is advisable to contact the registrar's office well in advance to make sure that you can be married on the intended date. The registrar's office will answer any further questions which may arise. Only the information provided by the registrar’s office is binding in the individual case. Typically both fiancés are required to submit the following documents to the registrar:
- Certified true copy of identification document with photograph (e.g. passport, identity Card)
- Birth certificate (not older than 6 months) in original or as certified true copy showing parents' names. A translation might be required. A baptismal certificate is not acceptable.
- Certificate of Naturalization must also be exhibited if applicant has been naturalized.
- If widowed, original death certificate or certified copy of deceased spouse. A translation might be required.
- If divorced, a certified copy of the divorce decree accompanied by a translation into German made by a certified translator.
- If the previous marriage was dissolved by a court other than a German court, the divorce decree might have to be approved by the appropriate German federal-state administration of justice department.
- If one of the fiancés is a minor, a statement executed by a legal representative, i.e. father and mother or guardian, before a notary public, giving consent in accordance with the laws of the individual's country. Since some German States require a special form of consent, the appropriate registrar should be contacted for detailed Information.
All persons not registered in Germany but marrying there require an “Ehefähigkeitszeugnis” (a Letter of No-Impediment to Marriage), stating that they are legally free to marry. In case the civil registrar’s office requires an affidavit (“eidesstattliche Versicherung”) stating that the applicant is unmarried, this can also be done at the Embassy.
Marriage in Ireland
You got married in Ireland or wish to get married in Ireland? In general, marriages entered into abroad will also be valid in Germany as long as the marriage requirements were met.
Please contact the registry’s office for more detailed and binding information on getting married in Ireland.
You can find a first overview on getting married in Ireland in the leaflet issued by the Federal Administration Office “Deutsche heiraten in Irland”